We know that no method of cure can bring to a recovery the arthrosic forms in the different locations. It is likewise true that the arthrosic pathology is a physio-pathologic degeneration that moves through phases of acute inflammation (arthritic poussè) on which we can and we must intervene on time with the most effective methods possible.
In general, the main symptom of the arthrosic pathology is characterized by pain of different degrees that is associated with limitation and articular rigidity, and brings eventually to localized deformations.
Arthrosis of the hand: usuallythe distal interphalanged articulations, the first metacarpus-carpal articulation and the articulation between scaphoid and trapezoid are the parts more struck by this pathology. The main symptom is given by pain of variable intensity and duration, and functional limitations accompanied by more or less serious deformations;
Arthrosis of the foot: the anatomy of the foot includes an important number of bones and articulations. The weight appliedon the articulations at the malleolar and tarsus-metatarsal level can cause a significant reduction of the articular spacing with a consequent production of osteophytes. We can frequently observe huge osteophytes also at interphalanged articulations level, and we can sometimes have an almost complete disappearance of the articular spacing between the base of the first metatarsus and the first phalanx of the big toe;
Arthrosis of the hip: usually the arthrosis of the hip follows a progressive a-vascular necrosis;
Arthrosis of the knee: among the predisposing causes of the arthrosis of the kneewe can recognize the previous lesions that concern the ligaments or the meniscus, the valgus knee, the varus knee and the obesitywhich involves an excessive articular load;
Arthrosis of the backbone: the arthrosis can strike the intervertebral discs, the articular cavities and the unco-vertebral articulations. The symptoms consist of pain and rigidity; the pain can be reflex, metameric or radicular because of the compression of the nerve roots.