In tennis, the increasingly exaggerated activity and the introduction of new materials (racquets, strings, balls, etc.) have led to an increasingly marked stress on the tendon structures of the shoulder, making supraspinatus tendinopathy one of the most frequent pathologies.
Tennis elbow (epicondylitis), on the other hand, remains more common in amateur tennis, often due to the incorrect execution of the technical gesture.
The tennis player's shoulder, in its chronic inflammatory and/or degenerative forms of the tendon system, is often the evolution of neglected or poorly treated acute forms from functional overload due to microtraumas and stresses that exceed the strength of the tendon.
Acute and chronic tendon injuries can be successfully treated with the new Doctor Laser methodology, but not only. For professional tennis players, the Doctor Laser methodology can be considered a useful preventive measure, as well as a cure for already present injuries. This is because it allows for timely intervention on the tendon structure in order to be able to reinforce it appropriately.
The treatment consists of two phases, usually of 3 days each, in which the first phase is the so-called "reparative" phase and the second, always lasting 3 days, is the so-called "elasticization" phase.
The treatment can also be indicated in the case of partial tendon injuries as it can be found to be an effective substitute for traditional surgery.
The application of the Doctor Laser methodology to this type of injury allows not only to cure but also to drastically reduce recovery times.